Key Personnel and Partnerships
To be highly effective in our communication work involves cultivating and maintaining strategic partnerships across campus. Listed below are some key areas and personnel related to this work.
Student Life Communication Collaborative
The Student Life Communications Collaborative (referred to internally as the “Student Life Comms Collaborative” or “SLCC” is comprised of about 12 staff members from across the division who all spend at least 25 percent their jobs in communications/marketing roles. Presently, the Communications Collaborative includes:
Tom Barnard, Division of Student Life (Chair)
Lauren Fisher, Student Activities
Dave Kennedy, Campus Recreation
Tranquility Gordon, Multicultural Affairs
Daniel Haddad, New Student Programs
Peyton Stearns, Campus Living & Learning
Chad Warner, Spiritual Life
Michelle Herbelin, Health Center
Jared Gould, Wellness
Chelsea Sentell, Student Leadership
Andre Baesa, Intercultural Engagement
Dr. Kevin Villegas, Division of Student Life (ex officio)
Vacant, Counseling Center
Technical Support Systems
Digital Signage – Patt Black
CMS / Drupal – Andrew Maddox
Marketing Communications
The Baylor Division of Marketing Communications (MarComm) primarily manages communications to external constituents at Baylor, but also provides oversight for all marketing communications across the university. This includes dedicated teams for web, social media, print design, photography, and videography, as well as public relations and media relations. Members of the Student Life Comms Collaborative maintain robust relationships with members of the Marketing Communications team and yield to their direction when considering the overall brand image of university marketing efforts. Key points of contact in MarComm include:
Jason Cook, Vice President
Karen Kemp, University Marketing and Brand Strategy
Lori Fogelman, Media and Public Relations
Megan Henderson, Brand Integration (Creative direction)
Andrew Maddox, Web
Jeff Brown, Social Media
Baylor Photography
Fundraising efforts at the divisional level are currently managed by Baylor University Advancement. The division may identify a primary person to liaise with the University Advancement team in developing strategic relationships and external sources of fundraising for Student Life efforts and projects.
Athletics (via Student Activities)
To explore any potential partnership with Athletics on communication-related work, it is required that you do so through the Director of Student Activities.
Several departments within Baylor Student Life have active relationships with Baylor Admissions. These include Campus Living & Learning as well as New Student Programs. As it relates to communications, primary contacts in Baylor Admissions include:
Jenn McCrady, Senior Director for Enrollment Marketing
TBD, Assistant Director for Campus Visits
The Division of Student Life has a dedicated procurement specialist—Elaine Chew—who can assist in vendor relations and purchasing matters. Otherwise, vendor communication varies greatly by department/office need and function. Note that there is a list of preferred vendors in Ignite, as you consider items like brochures, signs or print jobs, T-shirts and other sway).
Student Life Deans and Department Heads
The Division of Student Life has two leadership teams: the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and the Divisional Leadership Team (DLT). The members are:
Senior Leadership Team (SLT)
Dr. Kevin Jackson, Vice President for Student Life
Dr. Sharra Hynes, Associate Vice President and Dean of Students
Dr. Burt Burleson, University Chaplain and Dean of Spiritual Life
Dr. Jim Marsh, Dean for Student Health and Wellness & Executive Director for Counseling Services
Zach Mills, Administrative Director
Dr. Scott Strawn, Business Officer
Dr. Kevin Villegas, Dean of Intercultural Engagement and Division of Student Life Initiatives
Divisional Leadership Team (DLT)
All of SLT (see above)
Meghan Becker, Director of Student Care and Wellbeing
Dr. Kimberly Black, Director of Student Leadership Development and Strategic Initiatives
Jordy Dickey, Director of Student Activities
Dr. Geoffrey Griggs, Interim Director of Multicultural Affairs
Rebecca Kennedy, Associate Chaplain & Assistant Dean of Spiritual Life and Missions
Tiffany Lowe, Director of Campus Living & Learning
Bethany McCraw, Associate Dean for Student Conduct Administration
Dr. Erin Moniz, Associate Chaplain & Director for Chapel
Dr. Kim Scott, Director of Campus Recreation
Dr. Nathan Shelburne, Director of New Student Programs
Dr. Sharon Stern, Medical Director
Dr. Charley Ramsey, Associate Chaplain & Director for Campus Ministries and Church Connections