Division Calendar
The Student Life Events calendar is an All-division calendar meant to provide Baylor Student Life staff with a quick and useful resource for making sure the division is aware of events taking place across our many departments. Instructions for adding the calendar to your Outlook Email application for either Windows or Mac are below.
This calendar is an extremely powerful tool for sharing with the entire division the vibrant activities and events taking place in our departments. It is not meant to operate with the granularity of small student organization events, but include all of the larger events managed at the department level.
Invite Student_Life_Events to YOUR Events
Note that ANY staff member in Baylor Student Life can create an event in their own personal Outlook calendar and have it added to the All-division calendar simply by inviting "Student_Life_Events@baylor.edu" to your personal calendar event. If the event is deemed worthy of inclusion, staff in the Office of the VP will accept the meeting invitation to the event and it will show up when any staff member opens this calendar.
Adding the Student Life Events Calendar to Outlook for Windows:
- In your Outlook Calendar , click Home.
- In the Manage Calendars group, click Open Calendar, and then click Open Shared Calendar.
- Type a name in the Name box, or click Name to select a name from the Address Book. Find “Student_Life_Events@baylor.edu” and add it to your calendars.
Adding the Student Life Events Calendar to Outlook for Mac (or if you use Office365 on Windows):
- Log in to your Office365 online webpage by clicking the following link: https://outlook.office.com/owa/
- Open any web browser and log into your web-based email account just like you would check email remotely and choose the Calendar pane instead of E-mail.
- On the left menu, select “Add Calendar.”
- Then select “Add from Directory”
- In the dropdown for “Account to search from” choose your own Baylor email.
- When it asks you to enter a name or address, type or copy “Student_Life_Events@baylor.edu” (and take note that this name includes underscores.)
- Choose which group you want it located in. If you want it toward the top of your list, put it in “My Calendars.” But “Other Calendars” works too. Click Okay. And you are done. It may require you to quit your Outlook for Mac application on your computer and restart it to recognize the new calendar in the mix. It may not show up immediately. It will require a sync with the Exchange server before it shows up in your Outlook app.
Note to Mac users that you can use this technique to add other calendars to your Outlook for Mac including calendars for each Baylor sports team or for all of Baylor Athletics. In those instances, you will use the option called “Subscribe from Web” instead of “Add from Directory.” Each Baylor sports team and the All Athletics calendars on BaylorBears.com have links that you can copy and paste into this section.